Python basics in minutes

Python basics in minutes

Python is a general-purpose programming language and has overtaken Java in popularity according to a recent Stackoverflow survey.

People who have never programmed before are tempted to try due to the simplicity to learn and use it. Well, let's get down to business.

Before we get started, there are a few things you should know about python:

  • Python is a high-level programming language, which means it has a strong abstraction from the computer's details (that's why it's so easy and understandable). Because of that, it may be not so efficient as other languages like assembly, C, or C++

  • Python is an interpreted language. Its syntax is read and then executed directly. The interpreter reads each program statement, following the program flow, then decides what to do and does it. That's why you should test all your programs, even if everything seems to be working correctly. If there is an error within a loop, for example, it will only be shown if the loop is executed

  • Python has excellent documentation that you can access here and an incredible community. Use them.

Read more about the print function, python operators, and a lot more in this blog: